Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity.
– I Timothy 4:12
Our Values
We have many strong values associated with our ministry: parental and teen ownership and involvement; quality over quantity; encouraging relationships; development of spiritual disciplines; inter-generational involvement, mentoring, the education and application of God’s Word; and a desire to be inwardly and outwardly focused.
The Lighthouse
Family & youth devotionals, Bible classes, food, and conversations: We meet every Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. for Biblical conversations and study. Our Sunday Bible class for middle school and high school students is at 9:00 a.m. We combine middle and high school age groups to create a unique learning and growing experience.

Service projects: We organize service opportunities related to needs within our congregation or serve through a local organization within our large community.

Past Trips & Activities
- Leadership Training for Christ
- Nebraska Mission Trip
- Area Wide Fellowships
- Karing Kitchen
- Winterfest
- Harding University Bison Days
- Harding Honors Symposium
- Lipscomb University IMPACT
- Teen Camps
- ZEW Fall Retreat
- Annual Camping and Hiking Trips
- Camp Deer Run
- Middle School Madness