(Bible Lessons And Spiritual Training)
The B.L.A.S.T. ministry is designed to help our K-3rd graders gain Bible knowledge through various teaching techniques and drills. B.L.A.S.T. meets throughout the year during Sunday morning worship service.
Little B.L.A.S.T.
The Little B.L.A.S.T. ministry is designed to help our 3’s through pre-k students to gain knowledge regarding well-known Bible stories. A variety of teaching techniques are used (i.e. videos; puppets; skits; storytelling; etc.) to aid each student in gaining this biblical information. Little B.L.A.S.T. meets throughout the year during Sunday morning worship service.

Bible Hour
Bible Hour is our awesome kids program on Wednesday nights. It offers children kindergarten through third grade a chance to explore and become more familiar with the Bible in chronological order.
There will be ways for each child to earn points that will turn into great rewards along the way. Each class a child can earn points by:
- Attending class
- Bringing their Bible
- Knowing their memory work
- Bringing a friend
- Bringing a designated item for benevolence work
- Class participation.
Camp Deer Run PeeWee Camp
In the summer, our kids are excited to attend PeeWee Camp, a day camp for children ages 5-8. In addition to singing and Bible lessons, campers enjoy swimming, crafts, games, and special themed days. It’s a great way for them to build a foundation in Christ together!

Vacation Bible School
Each summer, West Erwin puts on a Vacation Bible School for our children and others in the community. We have a great group of volunteers that makes it a special time for everyone. The kids learn about the Bible in an entertaining environment with classes, skits, singing, games, crafts, and object lessons.