We have a group of talented and dedicated people who devote their time weekly to provide services for those in need. The Benevolence Center is open every Tuesday and Thursday morning from 8:30-10:00 to distribute clothing. The clothing we distribute is all donated and we spend a lot of time sorting and cleaning to get it ready to pass out. Our food pantry is open on Wednesdays, 8:30-10:30 in the mornings, and also from 6:30-7:30 Wednesday night. On Tuesday mornings, our Sewing Ministry meets to make quilts, baby shirts, and roll bandages. The baby shirts and bandages are collected and sent to Africa to help meet needs there. There is always plenty of work to be done and there is always room for more volunteers.
On any given week you will find some 80-90 workers donating their time. On Monday nights, Karing Kitchen serves a hot meal for any who need it. This is a joint ministry of the area Churches of Christ in Tyler. The Karing Kitchen usually serves anywhere from 120-175 meals every Monday night of the year. For our clothing pantry, in 2015 we served around 245 families each month. Also in 2015, we honored some 5,200 requests for food, which touched over 1600 families in the greater Tyler area. To put that in perspective, that translated into over 33 tons of food purchased from the Food Bank. In 2015 our Sewing Ministry shipped 734 diaper shirts and 2,762 bandages for the relief work in Africa. The quilts they make go to needy families in Tyler and also to the children at various orphan homes. Our Benevolent Center is truly a place of service and love. Come and be a part of it!
Our Benevolence Minister, Davy Carter, is the coordinator.